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Domain 2: Classroom Environment

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect/Rapport 

Copy of Bitmoji Classroom- September 202

This was my Bitmoji Classroom used to communicate with my students (daily announcement/ do now/ exit slips). I created this thinking about the student culture, identity, and diversity in my classroom. Through the virtual lens, I wanted to build respect and rapport with my students through the purposeful design of an online classroom.

This is a diverse list of extraordinary words created by students in response to my departure from my student internship. The students highlighted qualities that they felt best described me as their teacher. 

2b: Establishing A Culture For Learning  

Amidst the classroom environment, students learn about the different procedures and values that come with being an artist. I emphasize how what they do in dance class is able to translate into their real-world experiences with the notion of reflecting alongside having pride of the work being completed.  

Bitmoji Classroom-December 2020 (3).png

Students were asked to reflect on how prepared they were for their final performance by rating and explaining on a scale. Performance plays a large role in dance and it's equally important to express their thoughts and feelings of confidence. THis way they can pinpoint the tools/support they need in order to master the performance

The power of shaping your mind through positive self-talk has changed me as a person, so I transferred this culture of affirmation with my students prior to their final performance. Students each chose an affirmation from the website and verbalized their affirmation to the close expressing their value of feeling confident through their words. 

2c: Managing Classroom Procedures 

At the beginning of each year, I plan on setting expectations for my students. Dance teaches students to hold themselves accountable as respectful students when entering the room through topics of dress code, participation, and classroom expectations. With all these expectations I am respectful of mishaps but want them to be openly communicative with me as their teacher. 

Here is an example of a Do Now and Exit Ticket that students would complete as part of the classroom procedure. Students would respond to different questions varying from low-order to high-order thinking questions.

2d: Managing Student Behavior & 2e: Organizing Physical Space

Topics covered in the management plan: physical layout of the classroom, classroom procedures/rules, addressing special student needs, teaching cultural responsiveness, reinforcement of appropriate behaviors, consequences of inappropriate behaviors, communication with families, and data collection for behavior management. Attached below are classroom memes designed to teach rules of my classroom in a more relatable way.

Meme 1

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